Enrollment and Lottery

Parents are encouraged to submit an initial application for Marine Village School now to begin the process. This is a preliminary step that puts children into a lottery for any grade that has more than 25 students. We are committed to keeping class sizes at 25 students or less. The lottery will be held March 15, 2025, for students entering in Fall 2025. Enrolling does not guarantee a child’s place in the school, only that they will be included in the lottery.

The lottery is held to randomly pick students for any grade with more than 25 students applying for enrollment. We will start with the fifth grade and work down. When a student is selected, we will check to see if they have any siblings applying for other grades; siblings are automatically enrolled at that point. So, for example, when a student is selected for the fifth grade, if they have a sibling applying for Kindergarten, that sibling will automatically be enrolled in kindergarten.

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